Precast Concrete Dumpster Enclosures

Our industrial and commercial dumpster enclosures are a cost-effective way to hide your trash receptacle with virtually maintenance free, durable precast concrete. Our enclosures can be delivered pre-assembled in the finish of your choice.

Precast Possibilities

Not only can our structures be used as dumpster enclosures, but as restrooms, storage sheds, guard houses, concession buildings and more. With the range of sizes and shapes we offer, the possibilities are endless. Dimensions of our dumpster enclosures are available from 10' x 12' to 12' x 20'. These structures are plant-assembled and transported in one piece to the site.

Heavy-Duty Enclosures

Because our structures are made from precast concrete, they are the strongest, most durable, and low maintenance dumpster enclosures out there. They are made with a patented second-generation, post-tensioning system that applies internal pressure within the panels using high-strength sheathed strands laid out in a circular pattern and cast into the concrete. They are then mechanically stressed to 30,000 PSI, adding increased strength to the panels which prevents cracking.

Getting Started

If you are interested in learning more about precast concrete dumpster enclosures, all it takes is a phone call (or an email.) We recommend getting us involved early so we can lend our expertise to your project. We have an in-house design team, engineers, and technical staff with extensive experience and can help provide the best and most cost-effective solution for your needs. And, if you are in the area, we welcome you to take a tour of our plant to see samples of our products and learn how we produce these high-quality precast concrete structures.

When you’re looking for high-quality storage buildings that meet exacting standards, you can count on precast concrete storage buildings from Leesburg Concrete. Call us at 352.787.4177 or email us today to get started on your project.

Request a Quote

To contact sales directly, please call 352-787-4177.
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