Precast Concrete Buildings
Precast Concrete Buildings from Leesburg Concrete are versatile, durable, quickly installed, economical and secure. As a precast concrete building manufacturer, Leesburg Concrete is proud to offer a complete line of standard precast concrete buildings as well as custom sizes.
Why Buy Precast Concrete Buildings from Leesburg Concrete
Precast concrete buildings from Leesburg Concrete are:
- Pre-engineered with drawings and PE-stamped calculations
- Less expensive than comparable built-in-place construction
- Factory constructed and not affected by weather, trades coordination, or labor issues
- Installed in hours, not weeks
- Maintenance free
- Available in a range of standard sizes and custom sizes can be created as well
A Range of Custom Sizes
Precast concrete buildings come in a large range of sizes. They are plant-assembled and transported in one piece to the site. Precast concrete buildings can be customized to fit a multitude of sizes depending on your needs.
Green Friendly Precast Concrete Buildings
Another benefit of precast concrete buildings is that they are green friendly and sustainable. They incorporate local material while also using recycled materials. They have less transportation costs, are lean engineered using less concrete compared to traditional construction methods and the buildings have reclaimable components.
No Poured Footings or Foundations Needed
Precast concrete buildings can be installed on a level 4–6-inch layer of crushed stone. Or they can be delivered without a floor and placed on a pre-poured concrete slab.
They can be installed using an engineered, compacted sub-base and floor system
Post-Tensioned Roofs and Floors
Precast concrete buildings have superior strength and weather-tightness. This is because they are made with a patented second-generation, post-tensioning system that applies internal pressure within the floor and roof panels using high-strength sheathed strands laid out in a circular pattern and cast into the concrete. They are then mechanically stressed to 30,000 PSI, adding increased strength to the panels preventing cracking and water infiltration. Larger roofs are also pre-stressed.
Precast Concrete Buildings Available in Standard & Custom Finishes
Leesburg Concrete precast concrete buildings are offered in standard finishes but can also be customized to match surrounding structures near your building installation site. Anti-graffiti coatings are available.

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In the communications industry, precast concrete buildings have filled many needs including data centers, communications equipment housing, telecom shelters, fiber-optic regeneration buildings, cable equipment storage buildings, radio & TV tower buildings, cell tower buildings, remote mountaintop installations, generator buildings, control centers, offices.
The energy industry uses precast concrete buildings for sub-stations, control buildings, oil and gas (field & refinery buildings), process analytical shelters, SCADA buildings, sensor stations, gas regulator buildings, laboratories, equipment shelters, solar & wind generation buildings, battery & generator buildings, offices, workshops, storage, restrooms, and hazmat containment.
Our military use precast concrete buildings for communications buildings, ammunition storage buildings, guard house buildings, security stations, training facilities, classrooms, shooting ranges, observation towers, data centers, high-security storage, hazmat Storage, electromechanical buildings, garage & maintenance buildings, operational headquarters, offices, warehouses, and restrooms.
Precast concrete buildings are used by Parks and Recreation Departments in cities across the country. They are used for: restrooms, shelters, concessions, dugouts, ticket booths, security stations, press boxes, field houses, locker/shower rooms, offices, visitor centers, animal housing, pool facilities, pump houses, electromechanical enclosures, hazmat buildings, storage buildings, workshops, and maintenance buildings.
In schools, precast concrete buildings are used for numerous purposes including classrooms, restrooms, dugouts, press boxes, concessions, field houses, locker/shower rooms, ticket booths, security stations, offices, maintenance buildings, electrical-mechanical buildings, hazmat, workshops, pump houses, shelters, and storage.
For secured installations precast concrete buildings have been used for high-security storage, data centers, hazmat storage, ammunition storage, high-valued equipment shelters, control buildings, generator buildings, communications buildings, security stations, airports & train stations, remote ATM structures, laboratories, storm shelters, flood resistant applications, shooting ranges, observation towers, offices, maintenance buildings, workshops and more.
The transportation industry uses precast concrete buildings for equipment shelters, security stations, toll booths, communications buildings, control buildings, offices, workshops, electromechanical buildings, battery and generator buildings, hazmat buildings, storage, and restrooms.
The utilities also make extensive use of precast concrete buildings. They are used for power plants, sub-stations, battery & generator buildings, solar & wind generation buildings, telecommunications buildings, laboratories, process analytical shelters, sensor stations, workshops, equipment shelters, offices, storage, restrooms, and garage enclosures.
In the water and waste industry, precast buildings are used extensively. Their uses include pump house/station, lift station, well house, meter pit, water treatment, headworks, belt filter press, blowers, solids processing, boiler building, generator building, hazmat containment, methanol building, hypochlorite building, chlorine building, odorant control building, operations & control buildings, offices, restrooms, laboratories, maintenance buildings, and equipment shelters.